I am a suicide attempt survivor and I have made it my life goal to help reduce suicide as well as providing support to those who have been impacted by suicide. It is my goal to combine my clinical training with my lived experience to be able to help provide understandable interventions.
My primary job is with a community mental health agency where I work ask as the Integrated Treatment for Co-occurring Disorders program manager and suicide prevention coordinator. I am a Licensed Professional Counselor and certified addictions counselor. I am faculty for National Zero Suicide Academy. I serve as a board member for United Suicide Survivors International and I am a member of the Missouri Suicide Prevention Network as well as a member of the American Association of Suicidology and serves on their Impacted Friends and Family Committee. I am a member of Missouri Addiction Counselor’s Association and involved in CIT in my region providing training in suicide prevention.
I am a co-founder of blog www.listeningsaveslives.net. Were, myself and the other blogger work to share a mix of lived experience with clinical knowledge in a hope to help others.
I will work in any venue and opportunity to provide education and training in the area of suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention.
I have three children, two bonus children, and three grandchildren. I love spending time with my family and traveling to different parts of the country. It is my hopes that I can help make the world a safer place for them.